Busting the Common Myths about Misophonia

MisophoniaMisophonia refers to extreme reactions to certain sounds. Those who suffer from this type of disease are likely to feel extreme pain and irritation. However, the intensity of pain depends on the deepness of disease. The term Misophonia translates as miso (hatred) and phonia (sound). Moreover, often this disease is characterized inaccurately as “sound rage,” “eating disorder,” or “chewing rage.” Therefore, Misophonia is none of these.

There is still not much known about Misophonia, and it is still said to be in infancy. Still, doctors, reporters, and researchers are creating myths and memes about the disease. This information is misleading and harms those who are suffering from it. Let’s have a look at some of the myths discussed below:

“It is assumed that noises that come out of the body are the only issues in Misophonia. This has been dominating many of the popular press, academic literature, and medical websites. However, this is not true.”

You can see here that there is a misconception among people that Misophonia is a disorder in which pattern-based and repetitive sounds trigger in the nervous system. Some examples of these noises are people chewing and clearing throat, keyboard tapping, and pen clicking, etc.

You might have noticed that most of these noises have originated from others, e.g., coughing, chewing, or sneezing. Thus, this assumption of body noises has dominated much of the people. However, like other myths, this is not true.

“Misophonia is Not Just Limited to Chewing Sounds”

People suffering from Misophonia complain about many people generated noises such as windshield wipers, fans blowing, and birds chirping, etc. In reality, the features have never been studied, and people who research have very little idea of the sounds that can trigger this reaction. Scientists are in the testing stage, therefore, very little can be said with certainty. One thing that can be said with surety is that Misophonia is not restricted to chewing rage. However, it can be said that your brain misinterprets any sound as harmful and dangerous.

“Clinicians and researchers have repeated mistakes of the past in which they labeled anything that they didn’t know as psychiatric and emotional.”

Some regions and processes of the brain are specific to this reaction. However, brain processing methods are very complex. The time has begun when science has begun to unknot this mystery. Still, we have seen scientists mentioning it as psychiatric, and emotional, although it should be called as neuro-physiological. There are emotional and behavioral responses related to brain mechanisms caused in Misophonia. However, medical specialists still make big mistakes and call it as psychiatric and emotional.


None of the myths discussed above show that Misophonia is real and exists. As the research develops, more support for this disorder will reveal. Unfortunately, some myths can prove to be harmful and dangerous. Today, the press is making errors regarding Misophonia, as it is a newly found disorder. Therefore, this fits here the best “ If information is a right, misinformation is not just.

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