Stephen Geller Katz LCSW-R
Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy
Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy
Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy, as featured on the MTV True Life episode: “I Have Misophonia” premiering Friday, December 16th, 7:00 PM EST. See Clip >
Moderate to severe anxiety triggered by chewing sounds, including: | ||
You may also be affected by visual stimuli, such as repetitive foot or body movements, fidgeting or movement you observe out of the corners of their eyes. Intense anxiety, rage and avoidant behavior may develop as a result of misophonia.
* Do you feel your family and friends don’t understand how much you suffer?
* Do you often feel you can just suffer through a social event where there is eating present only to find that you must “escape” before you have a panic attack?
* Do you find that some people are at first understanding and make some efforts not to make the triggering sounds in front of you, but soon forget and constantly have to be reminded, causing you to feel angry, anxious and depressed?
* Are you avoiding social activities that you enjoy because of the misophonia?
* Are you fearful of losing your job and/or is the misophonia effecting your job performance?
You may be a candidate for Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy, or MCRT.
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, with over 20 years of clinical experience, a New York University graduate, developed Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy and founded Misophonia Cognitive Center™ in response to the growing number of people with Misophonia coming to his private practice from audiologists and ENTs. He discovered that by helping people to retrain and reinterpret the thoughts around their Misophonia, anxiety and depression symptoms began to improve. But even more important so did the Misophonic trigger response.
According to 2019 research, misophonia and Autonomous sensory meridian response are very closely linked to one another. The latter, means experiencing a tingling sensation beginning from your scalp and moving down to your neck and upper spine. This feeling is in response to sounds as well. Surprisingly enough, some people find this feeling to be pleasurable, while others cannot stand the sounds that trigger this response, similar to what happens in misophonia.
Sentences like, ‘Please stop breathing so loudly; or chewing so loudly are very commonly used by people who suffer from misophonia. Not everybody they come across will understand, some may even breathe or chew louder out of mischief.
Trying out real treatment options to get rid of misophonia is now possible! Although it is true that wearing earplugs or headphones can help solve the issue but itis a temporary solution only. Behavioral therapy (CBT), is known to regulate your high sensitivity to sound. Music therapy, meditation and special organic sensory diet are all brilliant ideas for you to try and implement.
Moreover, there are recent options available as well. It is important to note that there is no medicinal drug available to cure Misophonia. So, if your doctor is prescribing you medicine, it is purely on experimental basis and he will warn you about that beforehand.
Coping techniques that have helped a lot of people with misophonia include getting your mind clear, de-stressing and straightening your thoughts. This can only be done best if you seek professional help and consult a misophonia specialist. In addition to that, monitor your heart rate and blood pressure. Since misophonia tends to make your heart rate rise.
Another excellent technique is drowning out the irritating sounds around you. You can easily do that by installing ‘brown noise applications’ in your cell phone. Tech experts specially design these apps to drown out annoying and frustrating background noise that people with misophonia cannot stand. They do that by generating a static, fan-like sound which is called ‘brown’ sound. It helps minimize or even completely eliminate all disturbing background sounds. Oh, the perks of the digital age!
In recent times, misophonia awareness has increased to a great extent. People now identify it as a condition and it is no more an irritation that has no name. As a result, people who have misophonia have joined together and made support groups and communities. They know your problem; they live with your problem and they too are looking for solutions to cope with the problem. Once you realize that there is a whole community that has the same issue as you, you will not feel like giving up. Such forums encourage members to share stories, tips and tricks with one another. These people will help you do something about your emotions and feelings of aggression and rage towards the origin of the triggering sounds.
Furthermore, sound proofing can be done. This is a rather expensive option but if you suffer from extreme misophonia then sound proofing your living space is worth the investment. Special misophonia sound proof doors are available that help absorb sound and reduce echoing. Another thing that you can do is, place thick layers of foam at the back areas of large paintings and frames at your place and hang them on your walls. This will also help reduce and absorb sound to a great extent.
Answer your Misophonia related questions by scheduling an appointment with the best Misophonia Specialist in NYC.
Call Stephen Katz Today: 646-585-2251
Misophonia is an uncontrollable hatred of a certain noise. A person found a particular sound of clicking pen or chewing food utterly irritating that it enraged him or put him under severe stress. This is indeed a complicated health condition that involves your psychological health as well. Moreover, experts have indicated that the tinnitus treatment is likely to be effective when it comes to assisting sufferers of misophonia.
Misophonia occurs in early childhood, and due to its ambiguous nature, it misunderstands greatly. Along with the increase in hatred of sound, a person also starts developing stress, anxiety, and aggression levels. And if not treated on time, can continue throughout your life affecting your psychological health. This is why experts have considered it a chronic disorder and emphasized on taking precautions in this regard.
When misophonia triggers in a person, his anxiety and stress levels get increased. He wants to stop the noise as it hurts the sufferer physically. The condition is rare hence people rarely understand what a sufferer goes through. Moreover, in severe cases, a patient gets enraged and starts reacting to the sound such as verbal abuses or fights. The disorder contains damaging effects on the psychological health that lead a sufferer towards suicidal attempts. Concerning the situation, experts are eagerly finding effective ways to treat misophonia on early levels.
Tinnitus is a disorder where you can hear high pitch ringing in one or both ears. It is indeed an utterly irritating illness that has a potential to affect the quality of your life. During the condition, tinnitus ranges from intense to mild ringing. Moreover, constant ringing can impact on your sleep patterns adversely. This condition can contribute to your psychological health as well. However, the disorder can be treated effectively, and people stop hearing constant high pitch ringing.
The treatment – tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) has proved to be effective for the treatment of misophonia. The therapy was first introduced by psychological Pawel J. Jastreboff who termed misophonia as well. Moreover, combined with cognitive behavioral and sound therapy, it can improve the condition of misophonia sufferer. In tinnitus therapy, music or some pleasant sound expose to the sufferer’s ear canal. Later, the patient is encouraged to develop positive associations with the exposed sounds. They also practice dealing with triggering sounds via intentional rethinking of the ambient noise. This therapy helps develop tolerance regarding the sounds or noises that accelerate misophonia in the sufferers.
Moreover, experts also suggest opting for noise impeding solutions. This approach does more damage than providing relieve by making your auditory system more sound sensitive. Apart from this, it will neither allow you to tolerate misophonia triggering noise and nor it will improve your psychological health. With the help of tinnitus retraining therapy, you can work on both aspects.
To avoid daunting impacts on your health, schedule an appointment right now to get best treatment in New York. Talk to the best misophonia treatment specialist today!