Is Misophonia Hatred of Certain Noises?

Misophonia in literal meaning refers to hatred of certain sounds. However, a person suffering from Misophonia does not hate all types of sounds. Those with Misophonia have specific symptoms and are only sensitive to certain sounds. Usually, people who have Misophonia are not comfortable with background sounds. These uncomfortable sounds are called “trigger set” by them. When a person is exposed to certain sounds, this automatically brings an emotional response to his face. The intensity of the response can be moderate discomfort or full panic. It is important for you to act in some manner if you witness a person reacting to trigger events in some way or the other.

Fingernails Scrapping Down The Chalkboard

This is one of the examples of what people suffering from Misophonia face regularly. This is a mild example, and the intensity of the emotions of the sufferer is not very high. Moreover, the person does not produce a fight in events like these. Normally, the people closest to the sufferer experience the most problematic and uncomfortable triggers. This may lead to personal relations being affected. A person with Misophonia also has to limit from social activities. Furthermore, people suffering from Misophonia have to stay away from friends and family to reduce the symptoms.

Common Misophonia Triggers

Mentioned below is a list of common triggers that people usually go through. Let’s have a quick look at some of them:


This refers to all the sounds made while you consume anything. This section also covers sounds that are made using the mouth. The major sounds include drinking, chewing, gulping, burping, nail-biting, licking, swallowing, tooth brushing, grinding teeth, and throat clearing, etc.

Breathing Nasal

These are all the sounds that are made when you breathe. These mostly include groaning, grunting, breathing loudly, snorting, sneezing, hiccups, yawning, screaming, and nose whistling, etc. These prove to be the most uncomfortable for people suffering from Misophonia.


It is advised to use any glass and steel materials very politely. Making sounds will make this noise disturbing for those suffering from Misophonia. Therefore, it is recommended to use them when Misophonia sufferers are not around. The most common sounds are dish clattering, silverware hitting plates, and rattling change in pockets.


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