Picture the sound and feeling that comes from the scraping of nails across a chalkboard. That cringing, uncomfortable irritation is what people with misophonia feel or experience every day. Any small sounds can affect them, though. This makes their daily life full of fear and anxiety, as they never know when a specific sound or noise will appear. Sometimes, this gets so severe that sufferers become depressed or even suicidal.
It is important to fully understand and recognize what misophonia is in order to sympathize with those who are dealing with this condition. The more aware the general population is with misophonia, the more help people are capable of receiving. If you or a loved one suffers from misophonia, you can help them or yourself today by understanding the past, present, and future of misophonia.
History of Misophonia
Because misophonia is so rare, people within the medical community used to treat misophonia as anxiety. This is because anxiety is a main symptom of this syndrome. In other words, misophonia causes anxiety, and anxiety typically doesn’t cause misophonia. This is mainly because anxiety relates to internal feelings and emotions, while misophonia is triggered by external noises, sounds, and stimuli.
Thanks to medical and technological advances, the medical community was able to understand this difference between anxiety and misophonia and treat them differently. Plenty of treatments and technologies have been determined to benefit misophonia patients, ultimately allowing them to excel in their daily life.
Current Technologies
Regarding the treatment of misophonia, doctors have been able to develop plenty of techniques to reverse or minimize the symptoms of it. All of them either relate to therapy or preventative measures, both of which can be beneficial for people in different stages of their treatment. It is best to find a way to directly address the issue that caused your misophonia to begin.
Treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy are best for this. If you have raging symptoms that make it difficult to live a normal life, preventative treatments like earplugs may help you and your symptoms significantly. As knowledge about misophonia increases, so does the number of treatment options.
Future of Misophonia
When technology advances, so does knowledge about specific syndromes or illnesses that were previously and largely unfamiliar. One example of this situation is misophonia. Previously, it was understood that misophonia was solely due to environmental factors. The latest research suggests that misophonia symptoms may have a connection to the way your brain sends signals in your prefrontal cortex. This was discovered during MRI and radio imaging of the brain of people who suffer from this syndrome when exposed to a triggering noise. This shows the possibility of treatment by emotional response techniques that help to rewire the way the brain signals function.
The future of misophonia is bright due to the recognition of new treatments and situations that may lead to its overall development. By staying on top of the most modern research, people will be able to continue to develop new treatment strategies to help those struggling most.
Seek Help Today
If you struggle with misophonia, the journey to treatment is certainly not easy, as it is long and requires you to identify exactly what triggers you throughout the day. Treatment, while seeming like a long road, will positively impact you in the future, as it will help you live life easier. The future of misophonia treatment and identification is bright and will continue to improve.
To begin your journey, schedule an appointment with Steven Katz LCSW at the Misophonia Cognitive Center. As the top location in New York for misophonia treatment, you are sure to get the help you need here!
Call Today: 646-585-2251